Friday, May 3, 2024

Dangerous levels of plastic found in children’s bodies finds new study

"It can't be that every fourth child between three and five years old is so heavily burdened with chemicals that long-term damage cannot safely be ruled out."

Applegate Company to Remove GMOs Entirely

Applegate to remove all GMOs from their products!

Toxic Economy: Common Chemicals Cost US Billions Every Year

Researchers estimate the United States economy takes a $340 billion hit annually as endocrine-disrupting compounds lower IQs, increase behavior problems and exacerbate health woes like obesity and diabetes.

Republicans on health care: Do vast harm

The message is clear: to Republicans, health care is a right only for the rich; the rest can suffer and die. The GOP Hippocratic oath is: Do vast harm.

CDC study reveals increase of biofilm in US water systems

Due to the country’s aging infrastructure, the CDC expects a further increase to the transmission of diseases through biofilms and water systems.

The medical mess

It seems odd that 12,000 foreign doctors can get residencies in the U.S. but 2,000 U.S. medical graduates cannot.

The Monsanto Papers by Carey Gillam (BOOK)

The tale of Lee Johnson, a California groundskeeper who was diagnosed with terminal cancer he alleged was caused by his exposure to Monsanto's Roundup herbicides.

Even the grim reaper favors the rich

The Republicans’ pro-wealth, anti-labor and anti-social welfare campaigns are pushing people over a cliff before they live long enough to become grannies.

Pfizer CEO—Biden’s ‘good friend’—is privately working to tank drug price reforms

Pfizer’s chief executive Albert Bourla is reportedly urging his employees to fight Democrats’ plan to let Medicare directly negotiate drug prices.

“Pure baloney”: Zoologist debunks Trump’s COVID-19 origin theory, explains animal-human transmission

“The idea that this virus escaped from a lab is just pure baloney. These pandemic viruses that emerge originate in wildlife.”