Sunday, May 5, 2024

Gene editing mishaps highlight need for FDA oversight

The FDA plans to require pre-market safety assessments for gene-edited food animals, as they do for new animal drugs.

Trump moves to repeal Obama’s Clean Water Rule

Now that Trump has taken this first step, further action against the EPA is likely to follow.

Bernie demands to know why once-free prescription drug now costs $375K

“The unfortunate reality is that the United States pays, by far, the highest prescription drug prices in the world,.

A double-transplant cancer survivor takes on Trump over Obamacare

“My message to young activists is: Continue to advocate. Draw inspiration from what you see. Don't change the channel.”

Media silence after water protectors and police clash on MLK Day

On MLKDay 2017 water protectors were shot at and tear gassed once again by law enforcement in riot gear.

FDA to Start Testing for Glyphosate in Food

The federal agency already tests for residues of many agricultural chemicals on food. Now it will include the widely used weed killer linked to cancer.

UC Davis Sued for Failing to Release Public Records on GMOs and Pesticides

"So far, documents obtained from other universities have shown secretive funding arrangements and covert efforts to use taxpayer-funded university resources to promote the products of various corporations. The public has a right to know what is going on behind the scenes."

A clueless dealmaker’s deal goes down

Now we know why Trump & Company are so hostile to truth based news – actual facts expose their lies, and ultimately sunk their health bill.

The U.S. is a world outlier on abortion restrictions

The recent overturning of Roe v. Wade is part of a pattern of American exceptionalism that harms people in both the U.S. and the rest of the world.

Surviving at Standing Rock after Trump’s DAPL order

The original water protector camp has resolved to stay – even as Sioux tribe says no and Trump orders pipeline construction.