Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The epidemic of e-cigarettes: Judge rules FDA must implements regulations, sides with public health...

“The FDA oversight over the sales and marketing of these harmful products has languished for too long."

If I Were the American Dictator

“The overall composition of Congress is not going to change much at all after the election. So, really, the only way to reboot America is to have a smart, benevolent dictator.”

Big pharma secrets revealed as group uncovers portion of Pfizer vaccine recipe

"This info can help mRNA vaccine scientists by illustrating the kinds of requirements they need to meet critical quality standards."

EPA allowing widespread use of unapproved pesticides, study finds

“The chronic abuse of the emergency approval process has created a shortcut for pesticide companies looking to gain backdoor approval for use of harmful pesticides.”

In New York Times op-ed, US physician blasts ‘lucrative system of for-profit medicine’

"Doctors' sense of our complicity in putting profits over people has grown more difficult to ignore."

Trump’s EPA is being sued for hiding information about new chemicals

Several environmental organizations join together to hold the EPA accountable and prove the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) is being ignored.

How America’s Embrace of GMOs and Pesticides Could Trigger “Downfall” of EU Farmers

TTIP trade agreement will be boon to Big Ag, study finds.

Michael Moore: Americans pay more for healthcare than others, but “we don’t call it...

“The real question never gets asked. They always want to pin them on how much is it going to cost in taxes.”

Coca Cola is promising $1 million for a healthy replacement to sugar

Coca Cola launched the competition using the crowd-sourcing platform HeroX, and according to their website they are seeking “a naturally sourced, safe, low- or no-calorie compound that creates the taste sensation of sugar when used in beverages.”

6 Questions for Monsanto

Monsanto, the biotech giant, has become the poster-child for all that’s wrong with our industrial food and farming system.