Monday, May 20, 2024

New Study Finds Glyphosate in Breakfast Foods

Glyphosate has been linked to increases in levels of breast, thyroid, kidney, pancreatic, liver and bladder cancers and is being served for breakfast, lunch and dinner around the world.

Harriet Tubman And The Currency Of Resistance

The story of Harriet Tubman, of her courageous resistance to injustice, of her fight to free slaves, for equality for women - all this must be the common currency of our democracy.

Free College for All Worked in the US for 100 Years Until Elite Took...

Bernie Sanders' call for free public college is being called and unaffordable fantasy by Hillary Clinton, who opposes free college for those who can pay, but the reality is that college was free in the US for 100 years until the rich and powerful in Washington took it away in the 1960s. We had it once, and can have it again!

San Francisco Becomes First Major City to Require Solar Panels on New Buildings

California also has more solar jobs and installed more megawatts of solar capacity last year than any other state in the nation.

President Obama Can Help Save Saudi Youth Facing Beheading

If the Saudi government beheads these young men, it will further ignite sectarian hatred.

Ben & Jerry Arrested in Front of Capitol Building

Joining hundreds of other activists on Monday, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield were arrested in front of the Capitol Building along with several top officials from the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, the AFL-CIO, and NAACP.

New Yorkers File Emergency Lawsuit To Give Voting Rights Back To 3.2 Million People

Voters in the lawsuit say their party affiliations were mysteriously changed.

NYPD Sergeant Caught on Video Choking an Unarmed Woman

The NYPD has banned chokeholds, so why do people keep ending up dead after officers utilize them?

Revolution Is in the Air

“We will have to do this together. No one will do it for us. And as the numbers in the streets swell the corruption of our political system becomes ever more apparent.”

Victory for Walmart Employees: $224 Million Awarded for Stolen Lunch Breaks

Walmart faces another lawsuit loss, awarding $224 million to employees that were forced to work through lunch breaks.