Tuesday, May 21, 2024

What will happen to DREAMers and the lives they’ve built?

Trump’s repeal of DACA has DREAMers and their advocates vowing to fight back and scrambling to find Plan B.

Breitbart’s Kris Kobach suggests deporting DACA recipients and their parents to keep families together

“If we’re worried about keeping families together, then the illegal alien parents who brought them here should also be removed to the home country along with the DACA recipient alien.”

Like her boss, Betsy DeVos makes a disaster all about herself

“It’s going to be a profit boom for charter schools, and it’s going to hasten the demise of traditional public schools.”

Trump nominates climate change denier to head NASA

Bridenstine would be “devastating for the space program.”

Texas bathroom bill is latest civil rights victory in deep south spurred by sports

Sports remain inextricably intertwined with civil rights in America.

What Trump and his team have wrecked so far

Here's a round up from the "While He Was Tweeting" series.

The racism heard round the world

When the neo-fascist National Front is more willing to condemn neo-Nazis than Trump, we have a problem.

The costs of a casual job are now outweighing any pay benefits

The evidence on hourly wage differences leads us to conclude that casual workers are not being adequately compensated for the lack of paid leave, or for other forms of insecurity they face.

Hurricane wars

Wake up folks and understand why many of us suffer unnecessarily.

A beautiful moment of socialism. But now killer capitalism resumes

America at its best is a community of people working together without visions of dollar signs in their eyes.