Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Eyewitness sketches provide ‘stormy’ results, can lead to false convictions

“These data suggest that the accuracy of eyewitness identification by some victims of crime has been overestimated in data from laboratory studies."

‘Stop interfering’: Ethiopia’s opportunity after the election

The level of condescension and interference displayed by the U.S. and others has angered many Ethiopians.

EPA works to remake troubled office of civil rights

A 2015 Center investigation found that the office had never made a formal finding of discrimination in 22 years.

Muslim Ban Rally, 2018: A melting pot of resistance

A new possibility for the resistance has emerged – one that involves the cooperation of groups that you wouldn't normally think of.

Appellate court panel rejects PA prison effort to further delay Hep-C treatment for ailing...

Challenging a ‘Nazi prison camp standard of care.’

Drowning the world in oil

Trump’s carbon-obsessed energy policy and the planetary nightmare to come.

Corporate profiteering destroyed the Baltimore bridge

The price of corporate compromising on safety is usually paid with taxpayer dollars and immigrant worker lives.

The GOP’s Pro-Corporate Prescription

Tax credits for working families are a better deal than corporate tax breaks.

North Dakota’s oil spill record: 85 pipeline accidents in 20 years

A new study finds that Standing Rock protesters’ concerns about the DAPL pipeline are well founded.

Big Profits Seen for China’s Wind Energy Companies

The backward and often scientifically illiterate US Congress can barely bring itself to allow a tax write-off for wind turbines each year, disrupting the industry here with uncertainty.