Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Booker and the big pharma dems have no excuse. This vote proves it.

Democrats will have to move fast to undo the damage these senators have done.

The climate threat posed by right-wing populism’s rising tide

European nationalists are not excited about the Paris Agreement.

BREAKING: President Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence

The commutation was part of Obama’s Tuesday announcement of 209 commutations and 64 pardons.

North Dakota bill would let motorists ‘unintentionally cause injury or death’ to protestors

“It’s shocking to see legislation that allows for people to literally be killed for exercising their right to protest in a public space.”

Wyoming bill would outlaw renewable energy

Wyoming is waging a quasi-war on wind.

These 8 men are richer than half the world’s population

The gap between the super-rich and the poor is greater than even a year ago.

How progressives can still make change in the age of Trump

Only by building such a powerful and unified vision can progressives continue to push their agenda in the era of Trump and conservative dominance in Washington.

Building the institutions for revolt

No movement will survive unless it is built on the foundation of deep community relationships. Organizers must learn to listen, even to those who do not agree with them.

On John Lewis: Unsolicited advice for Donald Trump

This isn't about being politically correct – this is about being Presidential.

How American life continued to deteriorate in 2016

We're living in an era of suicide in America, in parallel with our era of inequality.