Monday, June 17, 2024

Cop city coverage fails to question narratives of militarized police

The story of Tortuguita’s death is about protests against militarized policing being met with more militarized policing, which ultimately resulted in a fatal shooting.

Los Angeles County sues Monsanto over chemical contamination

According to the lawsuit, Monsanto had been aware that polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were harmful but concealed the data for years while polluting the water.

Trump, NFL protests and the price of freedom

A reader responds to Donald Trump’s remarks disparaging NFL players for peacefully protesting against the treatment of black Americans.

Jeffrey Epstein is dead. Civil rights lawyer says civil charges against his estate will...

Charges and civil suits against Jeffrey Epstein are continuing following the death of the serial sex abuser, who was found dead in...

Progressive Briefing for Wednesday, August 29

Hurricane Maria caused 2,975 deaths in Puerto Rico, California joins nine other states and enacts trio of gun control bills that affect domestic violence offenders and more.

Boone, NC passes historic resolution: Ditch fossil fuels, go 100% clean energy

Just when we really needed some good news in the climate change battle.

The need for cooperation & unity

Cooperation is a fundamental quality of the time; it sits within a Trinity of the Age alongside Unity and Sharing.

We have now consumed more resources so far this year than the planet is...

We’ll use 1.7 Earths’ worth of resources this year. Can six pledges make a difference?

Inequality kills. But we can stop the killing.

So argues a gripping new book from an activist physician who’s helped divine the keys to long and healthy life.

Infighting is good for the Democratic Party

The debate within the party isn’t a diversion or a liability. It is a necessary step to recovery.