Saturday, May 18, 2024

No Refuge: Unless Solutions are Found, the Global Refugee Problem Will Only Get Worse

It is human nature to react to crises in the moment rather than look for long term solutions but there is no doubt that the current system of housing people in tent cities, detention centers or demanding that they return home is both cruel and unsustainable.

A clueless dealmaker’s deal goes down

Now we know why Trump & Company are so hostile to truth based news – actual facts expose their lies, and ultimately sunk their health bill.

Ten ways billionaires avoid taxes on an epic scale

After a year of reporting on the tax machinations of the ultrawealthy, ProPublica spotlights the top tax-avoidance techniques that provide massive benefits to billionaires.

Former California cops charged with conspiracy and vandalism

“No matter the source of hate, we must stand up and denounce it. We are heartened that these officers are facing consequences for their reported hateful actions.”

Ending the punishment of poverty: Supreme Court rules against high fines & civil asset...

On Wednesday, the court ruled the Eighth Amendment protects people from state and local authorities imposing onerous fines, fees and forfeitures to generate money.

Alabama ignoring SCOTUS show true danger of partisan court

The most effective solution may be not just ethical regulations and term limits, but reforming the way we conduct presidential elections entirely.

The Atlantic Ocean Is Acidifying at a Rapid Rate

A new study finds it’s absorbing 50 percent more carbon than it was a decade ago, and that could have dire consequences for dolphins, whales, and other marine life.

The billionaire energy investor who vetted Trump’s EPA pick has long list of EPA...

Pruitt is a wholly owned subsidiary of the oil industry.

The huge costs of Trump energy plans

If Trump is able to reverse state and local bans on fracking, he will in effect be giving oil and gas companies the right to pollute people's farms and drinking water.

The ignored crisis: How American children are paying the ultimate price for gun violence

In a nation that prides itself on protecting its young, alarming statistics reveal an 87% increase in gun-related child fatalities over the past decade.