Sunday, June 16, 2024

Michael Cohen pleads guilty & implicates Trump as Paul Manafort is Convicted. Is impeachment...

“If those payments were a crime for Michael Cohen, then why wouldn’t they be a crime for Donald Trump?”

Native Americans in Nevada Will Have to Travel Almost 100 Miles Round-Trip to Vote

When confronted about the disparity, the state claimed that Native Americans can still register by mail or on the internet.

NYPD Sent Undercover Officers to Black Lives Matter Protests

The NYPD is refusing to release records detailing their undercover operations.

Germany Wants to Ban Fossil-Fuel-Powered Cars

The nation’s parliament is calling for the elimination of the internal combustion engine by 2030.

Thoughts and prayers are not enough

Because it will take more than a shrug and a smile to keep white nationalists with unlimited access to firearms from taking more lives.

How to save the planet from President Trump

It’s quite possible that we’ve lost our best chance to combat climate change, writes Bill McKibben, but we must try to contain the damage.

Cigna drops EpiPen as CVS sells less expensive generic

“The Democratic Party has got to stand up to the greed of the pharmaceutical industry.”

Millions of women in Mexico join ‘Day Without Us’ strike to protest gender-based violence

"The point is for there to really be a loss, that is, for this day to happen without us. ...It had to be something like this, radical and cutting, so that the loss for everyone would be seen, or rather the absence, the lack of our presence."

The Dutch city that offered refugees a permanent home

When 500 refugees arrived in their community, residents of Zaandam were wary. But by the time the newcomers could apply for residency status in Europe, neighbors didn’t want them to leave.

Where free speech ends, ignorance begins

Recent attempts to quash the right to speak reflect a fever of know-nothing intolerance afflicting the nation.