Monday, May 6, 2024

What Iowa Did for Bernie Sanders

The “virtual tie” between Sanders and Clinton was the result of several coin tosses when 6 precincts came to a tie. So what's next for the Sanders campaign?

End the U.S. policy of perpetual war

Please join us in telling President Obama to stop the war on terror.

Supreme silence: High court decision curtails protest rights, stifling voices in the South

As the case now returns to lower courts for further proceedings, the national discourse on the limits of free speech and the right to protest continues to evolve.

Demand A/C in all postal trucks

Sign now and demand all mail carriers provide A/C to all delivery vehicles.

Stop tax breaks for the rich: create a new tax system that doesn’t favor...

It is time for us to speak out and do something about the tax breaks for the wealthy.

Get the fossil fuels out of climate policymaking

Take action today and sign the petition to create a "precedent-setting treaty mechanism" to get a behemoth industry out of the way. Help us save the planet!

Help Protect Rhinos From Becoming Extinct

Help in their global campaign to raise awareness about illegal poaching.

Spreading hate and bigotry: WSJ and NYT’s offensive pieces ignite fury over Islamophobic narratives

In a world where headlines often shape perceptions, two leading newspapers' recent pieces have sparked a fierce debate over the role of media in perpetuating Islamophobia and bigotry, challenging us to confront the shadows cast by biased narratives.

Support stronger air pollution standards

Tighter standards for air pollution could save lives.

Protect the bats from lethal wind turbines

Please sign the petition to tell the AWEA to make these changes so that we can save 90 percent of the bats rather than just 30 percent.