Saturday, June 15, 2024

Off-duty NYPD cop charged with assault as a hate crime

NYPD Officer Riggs Kwong is accused of using anti-Muslim slurs on video before beating a motorist until he lost consciousness.

Addressing anti-Asian attacks with transformative justice

We need cross-community solidarity more than ever to fight for our collective healing and liberation from all forms of violence.

The Doubt Machine: documentary explores Koch Brothers’ war on climate science

The Doubt Machine definitely adds some useful personal context and also draws the clear connections from the denial-sphere to the Koch brothers.

Part I: 34 ways America’s legal system hurts the poor

A bias against the poor is hardwired into the adversarial, pay-for-services legal system itself, and classism manifests itself in countless individual laws and legal practices.

Anti-fascist heroines then and now

"If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention."

2017 Elections mark the dawn of change

Tuesday’s wins point a path towards even greater gains in midterm elections next year, which can deal a death blow to Trump’s heartless agenda.

Bernie Sanders’ Leverage Isn’t Going Anywhere. Deal With It.

We're talking to the representative of a movement, one that could decide the fate of this election and the future of their party.

New tobacco filters sprout seeds when littered

“After all, any business that makes only money, we believe, is a bad business.”

‘You Have a Mother’

A mother and a father, fighting to protect their daughter and son from death, still exist in faint particles of light. The fierce and protective love of a mother and a father is stronger than hate—it can overcome evil.