Friday, July 26, 2024

A Bold Shift to Make Public Schools Serve Poor Students

Last year, New York City began turning schools in poor neighborhoods into community schools—combining rigorous instruction and extracurricular enrichment with a broad social support system.

California Fish Species Plummet To Record Lows

The operation of the state and federal water projects by the California Department of Water Resources and Bureau of Reclamation has brought fisheries to historic lows.

Ban on Life Without Parole Sentences for Kids Expanded by Supreme Court

The ruling will give thousands of people a chance at parole.

This Mexican Company Is Converting Plastic Into Affordable (And Eco-Friendly) Housing

EcoDomum is turning an environmental problem into a housing solution.

North Carolina Residents to Sue State Over Discriminatory Voter ID Law

The 2016 election will be the first with the new law in affect, as courts have refused to delay its implementation until after the election.

German Environment Agency Finds Increase of Glyphosate in Urine Since 2001

In 2001 glyphosate was detected in the urine of only 10% of the participants, in 2013 it was present in just under 60% of the test group, and most recently in 2015, it was 40%.

After a Year of Pledges and Promises, Are We Any Closer to Saving the...

Thousands of acres of milkweed will be planted in the spring—but environmental groups say the focus on habitat isn’t enough.

Hillary in Blackface: The Blaxploitation Politics of Identity Democrats.

Hillary Clinton predictably pandered to African-Americans at the last presidential debate, again hoping to exploit identity politics to hoodwink black voters.

Bernie Sanders Calls for Repealing the Hyde Amendment

Bernie encourages repeal of Hyde Amendment which bans federal funding from covering abortion services.

People Over Politics: Michigan Militia Joins Michael Moore to Protest Flint Water Crisis

The water crisis in Flint, Michigan is bringing together some strange bedfellows in the name of helping a situation we all can relate to.