Friday, July 26, 2024

Poachers Killed More Than 1,000 Rhinos for the Third Year in a Row

South African officials report that fewer of the animals were poached in 2015, but deaths rose in neighboring Namibia and Zimbabwe.

Under Heavy Criticism For Handling Of Flint’s Water Crisis, EPA Official Resigns

The official in charge of America’s Midwest region may have resigned, but the EPA is not solely to blame.

No, Gov. Snyder, Flint’s Water Wasn’t Poisoned by ‘Government’

Perhaps it is inevitable, but it is a shame that some people are gaming out how to profit politically from the lead poisoning of the children of Flint, Mich.

Monsanto Files Lawsuit to Stop California From Listing Glyphosate as Known Carcinogen

Monsanto is facing a slew of criticism from environmentalists as well as mounting class-action lawsuits over the controversial chemical.

The Flint Water Crisis In Pictures

Earlier this month a State of Emergency was declared and the National Guard was called in to Flint to help with the ongoing crisis.

British Government Accuses Putin of Ordering Assassination in London

While attempting to expand Russia’s influence into Syria and the Ukraine, Putin has also been accused of ordering the assassinations of numerous investigative journalists and political opponents.

This Is What Happens To Humans When They Are Exposed To Too Much Lead

An apology doesn’t change the health effects that Flint residents are seeing as a result of the elevated levels of lead in their water.

Immigration Down. Global Warming Up. What Are We Talking About?

You can understand why Republicans won't talk more about global warming. The conservative base doesn’t believe it’s real and no scientific data or pattern of extreme weather is going to convince them.

A Tale of Two Grandmothers

Mary Anne Grady Flores was wearing a scarf on the day she went to prison—but not for protection from the snow.

Stop Polluting, or There Will Be More Plastic Than Fish in the Ocean by...

A new report finds that the volume of plastic trash is increasing and will outweigh all the fish in the world within 35 years.