Friday, July 26, 2024

Big Lies, Little Lies and the Punishment of Brian Williams

Williams is in the public dock for telling a false story about his experiences covering the American invasion of Iraq; the disclosure humiliated him, his colleagues and his network when exposed. Is his punishment excessive, or does it fit the crime?

Was Jeffrey Sterling Trial a Government Effort to Divide Investigative Journalists and Whistleblowers?

Former CIA officer, Jeffrey Sterling, faces a maximum possible sentence of decades in prison for leaking classified information about a secret operation in Iran. Norman Solomon talks about the need to support investigative journalists and whistleblowers and not let government wedge a gap.

The Flame of Intolerance Still Flickers in Alabama

Inequality, racism and segregation persist with remarkable tenacity in Alabama. The state will "continually have to confront its resistance to comply with the Constitution and respect the dignity and aspirations of all people.”

A Farewell to Arms? Not on Your Life!

"In non-medical cases, firearms may soon cause more death than motor vehicle accidents." Guns have long been a leading cause of non-medical deaths throughout the U.S.— far more more than any other developing country. It's the scary reality.

Exclusive: Freed CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou Says 'I Would Do It All Again' to...

John Kiriakou, a retired CIA agent, was recently released from prison after blowing the whistle on the George W. Bush administration’s torture program. He talks exclusively to Democracy Now! without regrets.

CIA Mission: Destroy the Whistleblower and Perfume the Stench of ‘Operation Merlin’

Does more secrecy breed more impunity? The Jeffrey Sterling case brought to the surface more serious questions about Operation Merlin and indicates that the CIA program was more "shoddy and irresponsible" than Risen’s book reported.

2 Cops Charged with Aggravated Assault After Video Reveals Savage Beating

Two police officers in Philadelphia falsely accused and arrested a man with aggravated assault and resisting arrest, but upon viewing recorded footage the suspect has been released. Why all the lies and corruption?

Facing Felony Charges, Rick Perry Joins Board of Energy Transfer Partners, Owner of Proposed...

Former Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry currently faces two Texas state-level felony charges for abuse of power, which he pleads not guilty. During this time, he has joined the board of directors at a natural gas and propane company and has showed interest in possibly running for president in 2016.

No Honor Among Thieves: Corrupt Cops Sentenced to Prison

Two former Philadelphia police officers developed a pattern of robbing drug dealers and lying on their reports. While they were both convicted, one of the former officers betrayed his partner and informed on him—“There’s no honor among thieves, your honor.”

Net Neutrality, Back by Popular Demand

During the past two decades, as the Internet flourished and transformed our society, several major corporations have assumed dominant “gatekeeper” positions, threatening net neutrality. We must protect net neutrality.