Our Mania for Hope Is a Curse
“Humanity is never stationary." And it's only those who accept the very real possibility of dystopia that are the likely ones to carry out the self-sacrifice necessary for revolt.
Indicted: Grand Jury Brings Charges Against Baltimore Police Officers Tied to Freddie Gray Death
Charges were brought against six Baltimore police officers in the death of Freddie Gray clearly leading the way to a criminal trial. And the most serious indictments—second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter—remain.
DC Gyrocopter Pilot Remains Defiant After Indicted on Federal Charges
After Doug Hughes landed his gyrocopter on Capitol Hill last month in an attempt to spread public awareness regarding dark money, the Florida postal worker faces a prison sentence for his nonviolent protest against rampant political greed. Where's our freedom of speech?
An Act of Protest, Not Sabotage, at the Birthplace of the Bomb
The security breach at the military complex Y-12 sent shock waves through the national-security establishment. While the three Transform Now Plowshares activists faced federal sabotage charges and up to 30 years in prison, they were still out on bail and free to attend the congressional hearings prompted by their act of civil disobedience.
Rogue Cop Indicted for Excessive Force and Cover-Ups
Officer Griffin has had at least 19 complaints filed against him, including six from last year. On Wednesday, Griffin was charged with four counts of deprivation of rights under color of law, three counts of perjury, and two counts of destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in federal investigations.
Fox News Anchor Bill O’Reilly Reportedly Abused His Wife in Front of His Daughter
“You can't be a real man if you don't look out for your kids. They need you.” But is Bill O'Reilly "a real man" after he allegedly physically abused his wife in front of their young daughter?
With House Passage of Extreme 20-Week Abortion Ban, GOP Continues Assault on Reproductive Rights
The Republican-controlled House just recently approved a bill that bans most abortions after 20 weeks. The assault on women and their reproductive rights continues at the hands of the GOP.
A Middle-Class Tax Revolt? You Bet!!!
Welfare in the U.S. flows vertically in two directions from a single source—the middle-class. The redistribution of wealth that flows up to the rich is far greater and more concentrated than the wealth that flows down to the poor. This is a major problem.
KPFT Houston, 45 Years After Domestic Terrorist Bombings, Plays On
The Pacifica network wasn't one to shy away from controversy. And now, 45 years after the station bombings, KPFT continues to broadcast in Houston serving "the public as a beacon of alternative perspectives and a hub of local news and culture."
The Pain of Modern Life
Suicide is the third highest cause of death in the world. The pressure of life, causing extreme emotional distress, is the common denominator. Has suicide become a worldwide epidemic?