Rise of the New Black Radicals
Ongoing police brutality against young black men and women in the U.S. has given birth to a new young black militant—the new black radicals. It's time we say enough is enough. "That’s the only way oppression will ever leave.”
Why the Founders Would Decry What America has Become
If the Founding Fathers saw what the United States has become, they would be devastated. Poverty, income inequality, suppression of speaking ones mind, crime, war, and oligarch like behaviors all make up this new U.S. It is far from being the democracy it was created as.
Eight Americans Killed by CIA Drone Strikes
A U.S. drone strike recently executed eight U.S. citizens without due process. With more than 3,852 casualties in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen, why does the Obama administration continue to allow the CIA to operate signature strikes with impunity?
DOJ Opens Investigation into Police Suspect Killed by Spinal Injuries
The Baltimore police department is under scrutiny, with a criminal investigation now being opened, after a suspect died while in police custody. Although the officers claim they did not use force, video footage shows otherwise.
Special Delivery for the Plutocrats
Spending by outside groups exploded from about $15 million in 1998 to more than $1 billion in 2012. And between the Clinton coffers and Koch cash, the crisis will get far worse as the 2016 presidential-election season heats up. Doug Hughes hopes to help change this.
DOJ Admits FBI Forensic Examiners Gave False Testimony for Decades
The Department of Justice and FBI have openly admitted to providing scientifically invalid testimonies for decades. The result: numerous innocent convicts have been exonerated and released from prison.
Choosing Life
Farmers often display genuine affection for the animals they abuse and send to slaughter. Have we created a belief system that inures people to suffering in a culture that kills? It's time we restore balance to the earth and our lives.
Fight for $15: Tens of Thousands Rally as Labor, Civil Rights and Social Justice...
In the largest action to date to demand a $15-an-hour minimum wage, thousands of low-wage workers took to cities nationwide to fight for a living wage. The rally was a joining of Civil Rights and social justice movements forces.
America’s Democracy is No More; Can We Ever Restore it?
Democracy is a government governed by the people and many citizens believe this is still how the United States is running. But in today’s society, unfortunately, we are living in a country controlled by the wealthy. People need to join together to change this.
Time to Recover Productivity Gains Our Bosses Have Expropriated for Decades
If we can’t make the bosses pay more to their employees, the least we can do is make the them pay more into those workers’ Social Security fund. How to accomplish that? Just raise just the employer share of the payroll tax.