Sunday, June 16, 2024

Landmark youth climate lawsuit heads to federal appeals court

"We look forward to the opportunity to argue this case before the Ninth Circuit so that we can move quickly to trial."

Is Trump’s America our America?

Here we are in Trumplandia, with a delusional leader of a plutocratic party trying to redefine reality with “alternative facts,” fake news, and a blitzkrieg of Orwellian “Newspeak.”

Oil and gas worker survey sheds light on unstable and unsafe working conditions

Experiences with dangerous working conditions and instability in the oil and gas industry are echoed in a survey of 1,635 oil and gas workers in the United States.

Major victory for defrauded students: Judge orders Obama-era student debt relief rule go back...

"It's extremely validating to see a court agree that what the Department did was wrong, and to know that students who were cheated will finally be able to seek relief."

Sanctimonious US senators condemn Hong Kong police ignoring far more brutal US cops

“I salute the Hong Kong students for their passion and courage in demanding democratic rights and freedoms in their city.”

Corporate Capitalism Is the Foundation of Police Brutality and the Prison State

Citizens talk about the issues of race and racial violence without taking into consideration the economic, bureaucratic, and political systems of exploitation involved. Police brutality and racism cannot be solved unless we turn to the issue of structural racism.

A New Bill of Rights for Workers: 10 demands the labor movement can fight...

It is time for unions to return to demanding workers’ rights without apology. 

FBI Investigating Police Cover-Up After Officers Killed Man Holding Air Rifle

After killing a man walking home with an unloaded air rifle, Florida deputies are under federal investigation for possible tampering with evidence and lying under oath. What were they really trying to cover up?

Roy Moore’s loss signals a GOP tearing itself apart ahead of 2018

The upset win by Doug Jones in Alabama shows the Republicans have nothing to offer and everything to lose.