Thursday, May 2, 2024

Tell the Truth about Bernie’s Health Care Stand

During the 1993 quest for a health care plan, Secretary Clinton sent Sanders an autographed picture of the two of them, wishing him the best and thanking the senator “for your commitment to real health care access for all Americans.”

Cruz Decided To Address The RNC But Not Endorse Trump. It Did Not Go...

Boos rained down at the Republican National Convention yesterday. What was Ted Cruz thinking?

Have researchers just hit an inequality trifecta?

At racetracks all across America, lucky bettors every so often rake in small fortunes when the horses they pick to finish one,...

The real deal with Medicare for All

Any Medicare for All is better than our present system.

Truly remaking Social Security is the key to having a livable society in the...

What does a social democratic political program really mean?

Beyond ISIS

For a rich and powerful nation to conclude that it has no choice but to engage in quasi-permanent armed conflict in the far reaches of the planet represents the height of folly. Power confers choice.

The White House vs. working stiffs

A handy new pamphlet counts the president's lies and attacks on the working people he duped into supporting him.

Biden says he’ll take on inequality. Good! You need to hold him to it

As it was in the time of FDR and LBJ, power is redistributed only when those without it demand it.

As most diverse Congress in history takes office, Dems push to end shutdown without...

The first-ever African-American women congressmembers from Connecticut and Massachusetts were sworn in, as was Colorado’s first-ever African-American member of Congress.

Great mask furor: Monkey trials redux. Faith alone vs. science and reason

How much disease and death is enough to force this nation to learn from failure, reject T.V. magic shows and return to sane science?