Idea for Tackling Inequality Number 27,653: Stop Subsidizing It
Washington assumes that inequality is something that happened. By contrast, the more obvious story is that inequality is something that was done through policies that redistributed income upward.
Albuquerque Cops Charged with Murdering Homeless Man
APD’s pattern of using excessive force is a repeated violation of the Fourth Amendment. Are these officers not receiving the proper training to ensure the rights and safety of people with mental illness or in distress?
'Circus of Hypocrisy:' Jeremy Scahill on How World Leaders at Paris March Oppose Press...
An estimated 3.7 million people rallied across France Sunday in response to the Charlie Hebdo shootings and ensuing attacks that left 17 people dead. It was the largest demonstration in French history.
Are Private Schools Better than Public?
Our public school system may be the best in the world. However, poverty, coupled with the fact that the people in charge are ignoring facts and turning instead to the corporate profit-seekers, is debilitating to the system.
What ‘Je Suis Charlie’ Should Mean to Us
Our continuing alliance requires us all to repeat "Je suis Charlie" in the aftermath of the atrocious terror attack on a Parisian satire magazine. It is important to look closely at what we are defending.
“Cartoonist Lives Matter”: Art Spiegelman Responds to Charlie Hebdo Attack, Power of Cartoons
The power of cartoons often allows the artists to convey a message one cannot in words, but there are few outlets for this type of political media. Renowned American cartoonist, editor and comics advocate, Art Spiegelman, believes political cartooning should make a mess.
Saudi Government Imposes Sentence of 1,000 Lashes Against Activist Blogger
The Saudi Arabian government has issued a series of 1,000 public lashings and 10 years in prison to an activist blogger Raif Badawi for insulting Islam. U.S. State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki requested an end to this punishment, but it does not look like Saudi authorities will end this brutality.
29 Arrested as Single-Payer Advocates Disrupt Vermont Gov. Shumlin’s Inauguration
During Gov. Peter Shumlin’s recent inaugural address, protesters took part in a sit-in desiring single-payer healthcare, which the governor had promised to create. Those participating in the sit-in were arrested on spot.
Congress Starts the New Year Off by Kicking the Disabled
The new Congress decided that its first order of business was to go after the disabled. Republican Congress is holding disabled workers hostage in order to extract concessions on these programs.
Paris Terrorist Was Radicalized by Bush’s Iraq War and Abu Ghraib Torture
Having American troops occupy Iraq for 8 years, humiliating its citizens and torturing people in military prisons, was a bad idea. Did Bush and Cheney model for the Kouashi brothers how you take what you want and rub out people who get in your way?