Sunday, February 16, 2025

NRA: Why Can’t We Outlaw Guns Meant for Terrorists?

It's not only in the U.S. that these combat weapons—that is, arms developed for use on the battlefield—are being used against innocent, defenseless civilians. Shame, shame, shame.

A Crude Bet: Is the US Foreign Policy Establishment Risking the Farm on Oil...

Deflation is a double-edged sword—and is complicated by the threat it poses to our highly leveraged global financial system. Are smug politicians playing a game of chicken with the stability of the financial system?

Sen. Feinstein Introducing New Laws to Prohibit CIA Torture

Senator Feinstein sent a letter to President Obama with her recommendations to prevent the CIA from committing acts of torture. But are her good intentions enough prevent the CIA from committing further human rights violations?

Close Guantanamo—Then Give It Back to Cuba

This week is the 13th anniversary of the first post-9/11 prisoners arriving at Guantanamo Bay. This has people wondering: is it time to put an end to this dark chapter of U.S. history, close the prison and return the land to Cuba?

State Terrorism in Ogaden, Ethiopia

There is indeed terrorism raging throughout large parts of the Ogaden and elsewhere in the country; it is State Terrorism perpetrated by a brutal regime that is guilty of widespread criminality, much of which constitutes crimes against humanity.

What’s Left of the Left?

If progressives can't gain ground during today's hard times, full of disasters at home and abroad, then when? If progressives don't gain when the right lurches between disgrace and farce, gloating with lies that scandalize reality, then when? Bright spots surface, but what notable change, especially on income distribution, speaks to unified progressive activism?

Charlie Hebdo Shooting: 12 Killed in Attack on French Satirical Magazine Known for Muhammad...

Charlie Hebdo has repeatedly claimed it publishes the cartoons as a defender of free expression and against religious extremism. This was the worst of its kind in terms of attacks on journalists in Europe.

Did DeSmog’s Coverage of Coal Baron Bob Murray v. Fracker Aubrey McClendon Lawsuit Lead...

DeSmogBlog has followed this case closely since Murray filed his initial complaint in August 2013, regularly checking the docket and saving copies of court documents sealed along the way. But is record sealing legal?

Why Was 2014 Hottest Year on Record? The Humans Did It

The most important thing President Obama did for the environment was not to block Keystone XL, but to throw billions in research and development money at solar panel research for a sweltering humankind.

As 2015 Begins, Remember 2014′s Wins

The core message from last year’s elections wasn't that voters embraced the GOP’s right-wing values, it's that they didn’t want to elect namby-pamby Democrats. But there is now a chance to say “yes” to an array of progressive ballot initiatives.