Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Era Of Private Prisons May Soon Be Over

Homeland Security will review the use of private prisons for immigrant detention.

Overwhelming Evidence that a Guaranteed Income Will Work

Most importantly, a guaranteed income could relieve some of the pressure on our newest generation of young adults, who are deep in debt, underemployed, increasingly unable to live on their own, and ill-positioned to take the entrepreneurial chances that are needed to spur innovative business growth.

After Trump

Trumpism will continue after Trump loses. The open question is whether anything good can be salvaged from its wreckage.

Trump Campaign CEO Accused of Domestic Abuse

Trump’s own campaign staff has become infested with bigots, misogynists, and an alleged sexual predator.

An Open Letter to Bernie Sanders

Senator Sanders, let's have a strong movement, with your people in Washington communicating directly to your supporters who want to make “Our Revolution” something unique in American politics.

A U.S. Government Hooked on, Obsessed with, Perpetual War

“War is so deeply embedded in the psyche of this government that extracting it would take a minor miracle.”

When America was Great: The World According to D. J. Trump

Remember, Founders weren’t politicians either but property owners like me, who built big things, got rich trading and doing real estate development. Some owned entire city blocks today worth billions, or ran factories or profited from huge cotton or tobacco plantations.

World’s Largest Natural Sanctuary Grows Thanks to Obama

This new expansion will cover over 7,000 marine species in Hawaii.

Maine Governor Goes Off on State Legislator, Calls People of Color ‘The Enemy’

These aren’t the first statements that LePage has come under fire for. The governor has a long history of radical commentary.

How Consumer Culture Is Killing Citizenship

We live in a society where market values spread without limit, in which we are branding and selling ourselves along with everything else, including public office. How do we stop it?