Sunday, May 5, 2024

Two roads diverge in a very dark wood: vengeance vs. stability 

Behold Trump as fully sadistic,/ Damocles sword going ballistic.

Disgust greets White House correspondents’ dinner as Israel kills journalists in Gaza

Amid laughter and applause at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, protests outside highlight the stark contrast with the dire situation facing journalists in Gaza.

How Scott Walker made Wisconsin the national poster child for dark money corruption

"Citizens can't exercise their right to self-governance if we don't know who is funding our representatives."

Defending Julian Assange; Defending the Truth

On 11 April 2019, WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange was dragged from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London by UK police and arrested for...

Turn widespread discontent into mass movement

We can turn widespread discontent into a mass movement with the power to transform the nation.

‘Corporate greed at its worst:’ After reaping $514 million from GOP tax scam and...

"General Motors' decision to gut its workforce epitomizes the bad corporate behavior Republicans in Congress have incentivized for generations."

Pushing for real change in the Democratic Party

Will the Democratic Party open itself up to the new grassroots energy and activism that is rising in American politics?

The good, the bad and the ugly: Medical heroes, anti-maskers, and rotten politicians

We know who the Good are, they are exemplary, the very best of Americans. We know that the bad and ugly are personified by one Donald. J. Trump, someone who bends or breaks any law that stands in his way.

Packing the Supreme Court

Mitch McConnell’s long-term strategy of packing the Court in order to entrench the Republican Party is becoming an obscene reality.

‘Unconscionable’: Amid coronavirus crisis, Trump moves to take food stamps from over a million...

"It's going to cause harm both to the people who are eligible for SNAP, but it's also going to cause harm for the economy."