Wednesday, May 8, 2024

1,001 Ways To Die In Somalia

The official reason for US presence in Somalia is the perennial war against terrorism. The real reason is oil.

Bernie Sanders’ Plan Would Help Income and Jobs Soar, Says Top Economist

A top economist from the University of Massachusetts says that Sanders' plan would raise the medium income by thousands and would create jobs by the millions.

A Message of Uplift Won New Hampshire

It's that message of uplift, expressed so differently by Sanders and Trump, that resonated so powerfully in New Hampshire.

Is JEB Defecting from the Plutocracy?

Bush is using his Citizens United soundbite as a stalking horse for his plutocrat donors' fondest dream, a new fully plutocratic Constitution.

Hillary: Gender, Power, and “It’s Not Me, It’s You”

This weekend Madeleine Albright introduced Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire saying, “there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t support other women."

BREAKING: Trump and Sanders Win the New Hampshire Primaries

Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have been declared the official winners of the first primaries of this election season.

BREAKING: Maryland Legislature Restores Voting Rights To 40,000 Ex-Offenders

The majority-Democratic legislature voted to override the Republican governor's veto.

Inequality Against Democracy: 10 Facts About the 1 Percent

“We are living through the greatest ‘wealth grab’ in history. But inequality is not produced by immutable forces. It’s the result of a legislative agenda promoted by the rich and executed by their political allies.”

Why We Must Try

Have Democrats gone from “Yes we can,” to “We shouldn’t even try?"

Once Again, the VA Turns Down Navy Vets for Agent Orange Benefits

A federal court had ordered the VA to reassess its policy denying Agent Orange benefits to Navy sailors who served in the Vietnam War. The VA’s conclusion: They still don’t qualify.