Saturday, May 18, 2024

Bernie Sanders Co-Sponsors a Bill to Repeal Pro-Gun Law He Originally Supported

“Judging from gun-control activists reactions, Sanders has a long way to go to undo the damage his past pro-gun law decisions have caused with many potential supporters.”

Will the Paris Agreement be Trumped?

Whether or not the world confronts climate change could boil down to how Americans vote.

The Billionaire Bankrolling the Latest Trade Deal Push

A corporate-backed study says the latest Washington trade scam will raise incomes — but for whom?

The billionaire energy investor who vetted Trump’s EPA pick has long list of EPA...

Pruitt is a wholly owned subsidiary of the oil industry.

The Clean Transit for America Plan unveiled to Senate

“Too many buses spew dirty diesel. That hurts the workers, that hurts the commuters, that hurts everyone.”

Trump administration to remove gray wolves from the Endangered Species Act

"This attempt to eliminate crucial protections for gray wolves demonstrates an anti-predator bias that continues to influence wolf management decisions."

Double suckers conned by belligerent stunts, not life benefits

The most enduring, scariest threat to America remains the suckered Republican base, first blind to getting campaign-snookered, now so defensive or shamed they can't admit the comic/tragic Trump hustle.

Interest on the Debt Is Near a Post-War Low

It is also worth noting that we actually could buy back debt at a discount if interest rates rose.

To defeat Trump, ‘the resistance’ must own up to its own white supremacy

From immigration to climate, the white left’s blind spots have sullied even well intentioned efforts to combat Trump, the far right, and ecological collapse.

Racism, propaganda and wars

Let’s recognize that wars are rooted in white supremacist and racist ideology that believes only certain people deserve to control their destinies.