Thursday, May 2, 2024

Georgia is Using an Error-Riddled Database to Reject Thousands of Voter Registrations

Georgia has seen its fair share of voting issues, but it’s far from the only state that does.

‘The filibuster functions as a general block on all legislation’

To help us understand the filibuster and the role it’s playing now, Andrew Perez, who covers money and influence as senior editor and reporter at the Daily Poster, explains it in great detail.

Trump’s unconstitutional assault on the judiciary

This assault on the federal judiciary is an abuse of Trump’s constitutional authority – yet another ground for impeachment.

Sanders the Giant Slayer — First, Topple the Bad Queen

Assess Bernie Sanders by what he can do to advance progress, not by other ideological or entrenched standards, great fears or desperate hopes. Sanders offers progressives the best way not to "waste time" this season.

Choosing life in a pro-violence society

Post-Dobbs abortion access for military dependents is in question.

The most unpopular presidential election winner ever could win again in 2020

Americans may again see something that, statistically speaking, has never been seen before.

Bernie Sanders Vows to Overturn Mississippi and North Carolina’s Anti-LGBT Laws

Bernie Sanders vows to overturn Mississippi and North Carolina’s recent anti-LGBT laws if he is elected president.

What Does Sanders Really Believe About Clinton?

To date, Sanders’ criticism of Clinton on this point is inferential, not specific.

“Nothing short of a slaughter”: 1 million Syrians in Aleppo under siege with no...

The United Nations is warning nearly 1 million Syrians are living under siege, double the number last year.

What matters is what happens next, not ‘what happened’

“Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow.”