Saturday, May 25, 2024

‘Thoughts and prayers to the NRA’: Reviled gun lobby group files for Chapter 11...

"The NRA's claimed financial status has finally met its moral status: bankrupt."

Thousands march to demand Trump release his tax returns

“It’s fundamental that politicians share their tax returns period. We deserve to know who he owes and what he owns.”

Attacking Wall Street and the Corrupt US Political System Makes Sanders a Genuine Revolutionary

A Marxist take on the Sanders candidacy argues that his support for US imperialist military actions won't matter much if he follows through as president on his calls to break up the banks and get corporate money out of the political system.

60+ groups and unions to Senate Democrats: End harmful ‘gridlock and dysfunction’ by eliminating...

"People want a government that works for them, not just the wealthy, well-connected, and entrenched special interest groups."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s push for a Green New Deal is not just good policy –...

By shining a spotlight on what would normally be an internal process decision, Ocasio-Cortez has turned the Green New Deal Committee creation into a referendum on the populist progressive agenda.

Top Five Things Congress Should Investigate Instead of Benghazi (Video)

There are real problems with U.S. policies and actual places where wrongdoings have occurred. Juan Cole suggests five investigations Congress should focus on rather than Benghazi.

Midterm America

Welcome to the struggle for the country’s soul. We haven’t seen anything yet.

Everything that rises must converge: AOC and Bernie Sanders chart the course to a...

With a continued willingness to listen to and learn from activists and explain their ideas to voters, these new leaders, along with the few true progressives in Congress like Senator Sanders who were traditionally kept out of the conversation, could build the kind of left that the United States and the world desperately needs.

Anticipatory Bribery

It's about time the people that run for office feel the burden of revealing payments based on their economic worth, not anticipated political clout. Have we entered a future of anticipatory bribery?

One-time 99% tax on billionaires’ pandemic profits could fund vaccines for the entire world

“The obscene levels of wealth gained from the pandemic by a handful of mega rich individuals should immediately be taxed at 99%―enough to fully vaccinate everyone on Earth and help millions of workers.”