Sunday, May 19, 2024

Climate-denying Koch brothers back purchase of Time Magazine

So nearly thirty years after Time’s iconic “Planet of the Year” cover, the magazine could soon be running headlines like: “Exclusive: the world is flat.”

Yes, a government shutdown might be the best strategy

Democrats cannot back down from funding children’s health and protecting Dreamers. These issues are moral priorities.

Federal judge orders military to accept transgender troops at the start of the new...

“This is a complete victory for our plaintiffs and all transgender service members, who are now once again able to serve on equal terms and without the threat of being discharged.”

Ethics complaint filed against Kellyanne Conway

Although Conway clearly abused her position by condemning Moore’s opponent on Fox News, only the president has the power to impose any punishment against his official mouthpiece.

Orrin Hatch’s ‘bullcrap’ on taxes is exactly that

Hatch’s tax plan is nothing more than another giveaway to his rich patrons.

The battle for hearts and minds: RT, WikiLeaks and net neutrality

The ongoing battle to maintain net neutrality is perhaps the most important free speech issue facing the United States, if not the West as a whole.

Fools or knaves?

There are two kinds of liars. Fools lie because they don’t know the truth. Knaves lie because they intend to mislead. Trump is both.

How internet co-ops can protect us from net neutrality rollbacks

Smaller internet service providers offer alternatives and could disrupt the monopolies.

Franken’s perfect, defiant taunt to Trump: ‘I’ll resign if you do’

If pressure were to mount on Franken, or more accusers surface, here’s one win-win idea: Senator, why not fall on your sword and offer to resign only if Trump does?

2017 was terrible for food policy. But 2018 could shake things up

Will the farm bill and midterm elections put food back in the spotlight on Capitol Hill?