Saturday, May 4, 2024

Bernie Sanders: From (potential) heartbreak to hope?

On October 1st, while taking questions from a crowd in Las Vegas, Senator Bernie Sanders did something unusual for those of us...

Time to overcome election fears and organize for our political future

“If your politicians are not serving you, get rid of them. And if you don’t have anyone to vote for, run.”

The State Convention Gambit: How Sanders Lost Delegates in Minnesota

“Sanders and his surrogates have made it clear that his hopes for the nomination depend primarily upon Superdelegates abandoning Clinton and voting for him to make up his deficit of pledged delegates.”

An Exceptional Nation? French Foreign Policy and the 21st Century Scramble for Africa

There seems to be no amount of human suffering and destruction that can’t be excused when undertaken by western countries who are always deemed to have good intentions, while those opposed to them are tarred as savages at best and pure evil at worst.

If America were a Trumpian autocracy

America and the lie that begot other lies.

The health care fight is far from over

We’re going to have to keep up a winning pressure until health care is a public good available and affordable for every person in our country.

The Trump administration thinks grad students aren’t workers. Grad students tell them to think...

In 2016, the National Labor Relations Board ruled that student researchers and teaching assistants at private universities have the right to collectively...

Descent of a throwback blowhard, swiping at energy-smart wind turbines, toilets & light bulbs

There is no subject too trivial, no norm too unobtrusive, no threshold of decorum Trump won’t trash to make hay for his “culture war” presidency.

American Brexit

Donald Trump may prove to be the ultimate Brexiteer. Back in August 2016, in the midst of his presidential campaign, he proudly tweeted,...

Trump’s infrastructure ‘plan’ is really just a privatization scam

The lesson to be learned is: If Donald Trump and Republicans are proposing something that sounds good on the surface, we all need to look deeper and figure out what con game they are running this time.