Saturday, May 18, 2024

After a year of Biden, why do we still have Trump’s foreign policy?

President Biden and the Democrats were highly critical of President Trump’s foreign policy, so it was reasonable to expect that Biden would...

The need for international governance and local cooperatives

In the long run, I think we need to move towards international governance to avoid the sort of nasty nationalism we are seeing in America.

Like Moses, hold back impeachment waves, Nancy

Electoral benefits pour fourth by simply letting Trump flap in the wind.

Showdown in Nevada as Democratic establishment targets party chair

It’s a classic battle between top-down corporate money and bottom-up progressive activism.

Three Times When the World Broke Open – and Two When It Might Again

Never before has humanity depended so fully for the survival of us all on a social movement being willing to bet on impracticality.

Working stiffs: Stop celebrating the super rich!!!

In this new Gilded Age of our current Military Industrial Empire the amount of wealth for many individuals is astounding.

Understanding Trump

Be prepared. You have to understand Trump to stand calmly up to him and those running with him all over the country.

Why Bernie Will, Should and Must Stay in the Race

Bernie has substantively — even profoundly — changed American politics for the better.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on why she wants to abolish ICE and upend the Democratic Party

In an interview, the left primary challenger discusses everything from how Democrats have failed to protect working class interests to the need for a Marshall plan for Puerto Rico and why her democratic socialist message is catching on.