Thursday, May 2, 2024

The fall of the house of ISIS

ISIS is on the decline, but the catastrophic political divisions in Iraq and Syria that gave rise to it are no closer to being mended.

America now has 6 political parties

Whoever can put together elements of a governing coalition among these six parties will win future elections.

Trump’s wars

No more money to finance the Afghan political and military mess unless Trump or whoever is in charge can tell us why it's worth more of America's blood and treasure to be there.

Why ‘centrists’ will sink the Democrats, if they haven’t already

The bipartisan, centrist political consensus is breaking down.

Expansion of imperialist U.S. ‘war on terror’ in Africa preceded deadly attacks in Niger...

At least 800 U.S. servicemembers are currently stationed in the country to support a French-led mission to defeat militants in West Africa.

‘Divest The Globe’ protests urge banks to cut ties with fossil fuels

“The system is not going to break people down. We will stand stronger together no matter the distance.”

Wells Fargo’s playbook: How to rob the average joe and still retain your stock...

Hands up – this is a stick up. Your money or your life.

New Zealand government to plant 100 million trees yearly

New Zealand’s youngest leader in more than 150 years plans to take the country on a more liberal path after nine years of conservative rule.

Now we know John Kelly

Kelly served Trump poorly in this disgraceful episode.