Sunday, May 5, 2024

Amazon buys out Whole Foods Market

The Brave New Future of Amazon's electronic, robotic Whole Foods Market tells us we're living in the corporatized version of "1984."

Would Hillary Follow Through with her Progressive Promises?

Hillary has been talking the progressive talk, but would she walk the walk? Either way, if she becomes president, someone will have to go out and make her do it.

Trump’s military nostalgia (or victory at sea all over again)

A strategy for victory – in last-century wars.

Don’t let President Biden ‘make us the dupes of our hopes’

More than being a time of hope -- or fatalism -- the inauguration of President Joe Biden should be a time of skeptical realism and determination.

Bernie Sanders introduces bill to raise minimum wage by $15

"No family in the United States can live on $7.25 an hour. Raising the minimum wage is the right thing to do and long past due.”

As Covid deaths hit 800k, Sanders says Medicare For All needed to end ‘vulgarity’...

“The pandemic has demonstrated that a privatized healthcare system cannot ensure the health of the population.”

Georgia SOS Raffensperger flirts with Trump propagandists in reelection campaign

A principled conservative who rejected demands in 2020 to “find votes” is now singing a very different tune.

DC Council votes to repeal Initiative 77; will take away voter-approved wage increase for...

"It is incredibly sad to see the Council representing one of the most progressive cities in the country siding with the wealthy restaurant industry over their own constituents."

MoveOn’s phony new campaign for ‘protecting whistleblowers’

Despite its assertion that “protecting whistleblowers is critical for a healthy democracy,” MoveOn is now splitting donations with an organization that supports the absence of legal protections for many of them.

If You Liked the Bush Economy, You’ll Love Trump’s Economy

Trump, like Bush, will attempt to grow the economy by giving corporations and upper class lower taxes.