Friday, May 24, 2024

Joe Arpaio to run for Sheriff again

Arpaio says that if re-elected he will reopen the Tent City jail.

Don’t let President Biden ‘make us the dupes of our hopes’

More than being a time of hope -- or fatalism -- the inauguration of President Joe Biden should be a time of skeptical realism and determination.

Why the DNC’s Superdelegate reforms were a major victory for the Sanders wing

This package of reforms is just a starting point for a wholesale transformation of the party.

Trump’s Energy Team of Climate Change Deniers

Catanzaro's current role in heading up Trump's energy team is over a decade in the making, with a career track record soaked in oil and gas.

Political and business leaders committed to fighting climate change meet at One Planet Summit

"We are not here just to speak but to be accountable. Here we will see what is working and what is not working. What we need is action."

EPA’s Scott Pruitt wants to televise a debate on climate change

Pruitt says there are many unanswered questions about climate change.

France upstages Trump at G7 by inviting Iran to salvage nuclear deal

Trump breached the Iran deal in 2017, slapped severe sanctions on Iran and then went around the world strong-arming countries not to buy Iran’s petroleum.

What other countries know: Fairer representation makes a stronger democracy

A democratic country – or community – ought to be self-governing in a way that allows every member a fair part in effective political discussion.

‘This exchange cuts to the heart of our crisis:’ Watch DNC chair hide behind...

"Humans can change human-made rules, we can't change the laws of nature."

If Ever America Needed A People’s Political Revolution It’s Now

The U.S. is in desperate need of a revolution in order to restore the nation’s democracy and if Bernie Sanders is elected president this very well might happen. “This government is so thoroughly controlled by special interest campaign funding, so inept and dysfunctional, that it needs to be completely overhauled.”