Sunday, June 16, 2024

EPA’s Scott Pruitt wants to televise a debate on climate change

Pruitt says there are many unanswered questions about climate change.

When will Democrats start #resisting GOP voter suppression?

If party leaders don’t understand what they need to do to win elections, maybe it’s time to choose some new party leaders.

Merkley Senate bill would abolish ‘undemocratic’ electoral college

"The idea of democracy is simple and obvious even to young kids on a playground—whoever gets the most votes should win."

U.S. airstrikes killed 230 civilians in Mosul overnight

Over 130 civilians were killed in attack on a single building in western Mosul.

The Trump doctrine

Making nuclear weapons usable again.

The Donald’s bastard children

It is going to take more than just 'Soul Searching' by Trump's Bastard Children to set things right.

Why the DNC’s Superdelegate reforms were a major victory for the Sanders wing

This package of reforms is just a starting point for a wholesale transformation of the party.

Sanders urges labor secretary to protect jobless benefits as GOP governors race to cut...

Sanders is hardly alone in calling on Walsh to do everything in his power to ensure that jobless workers continue receiving benefits regardless of Republican governors' actions.

Will Trump’s mania to slice and dice the right help or hurt the progressive...

Whatever the Georgia results, progressives still need more non-stop, grassroots consciousness-raising and many more elected lawmakers everywhere.

Don’t let President Biden ‘make us the dupes of our hopes’

More than being a time of hope -- or fatalism -- the inauguration of President Joe Biden should be a time of skeptical realism and determination.