Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Five groups of Americans who’ll get shafted under Trump’s hiring freeze

This freeze is a bad idea, but there will be more where this came from.

Football is Trumpball lite

With President Trump, who needs a reality show about violence, domination, and sexism – not to mention brain damage?

Trump’s drug price reforms amount to a ‘sugar-coated nothing pill’

The president says he wants to lower drug prices, but Big Pharma isn't fooled.

Four years ago, we warned that Trump could win. Now, we’re warning again.

Trump really could win again. The more progressives wrap their minds around that reality now, the less likely they’ll have to live with it for another four years.

Trump attacks journalists, comedians, and judges instead of attacking this country’s plethora of problems

Without question, Trump needs to be attacking America’s many festering problems. But there is a huge obstacle: he doesn’t have a clue how to do it.

Trump v. Islam

Trump the businessman is at war with Trump the ideologue over the question of Islam.

Mr. Trump: do you now understand the ramifications of your anti-mask policies?

Based on three reversals in a short span of time, I’d say that he should be readmitted to Walter Reed for more intensive treatment. And here’s a big plus. I believe they have a world-class psychiatric ward.

Who invented the Electoral College?

Hamilton and the other founders were reassured that with this compromise system, neither public ignorance nor outside influence would affect the choice of a nation’s leader.

Unchecked and unbalanced: Why Congressional Republicans have abdicated their responsibility

Republicans in Congress have become the Party of Trump, abandoning their self-avowed conservative principles to enable his agenda.

The CFPB protects us from bad banks; Republicans want to kill it

The CFPB isn’t being targeted because it has failed. It has been targeted because it is succeeding. It must be defended at all costs.