Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Clinton Commits: No TPP, Fundamentally Rethink Trade Policies

Clinton’s statement helps. Asking members of Congress to vote against TPP would help more.

G7 countries to end overseas funding for fossil fuel development

“We are united in the view that climate and environment security are absolutely synonymous with energy and national security."

House votes down amendments to cut ‘outrageous’ military budget

"The good news is: the American people are on to the racket and mobilizing to demand a reallocation of funding away from the Pentagon and to prioritize human needs."

Neither pandemic nor economic collapse is going to be a short-lived crisis

Huge layoffs = major recession; Raging infections and deaths = major epidemic.

Describing Trump: 6 euphemisms for conduct unbecoming a president

Words matter. It’s important to describe Trump accurately.

Trump’s worst nightmare begins as Democrats and Mueller prepare to join forces

Mueller’s ongoing investigation was already wearing heavily on Trump and now he will have a plethora of Democrats investigating his actions and behavior like a bunch of rabid dogs.

Corporate media are the real ‘Sanders attack machine’

The real Sanders attack machine isn’t the mythical machine run by Sanders to take down his opponents; it’s run by the establishment Democrats and their media counterparts to take down Sanders.

California’s left swing is very good news for progressives nationwide

Tuesday’s primaries show that from universal healthcare to early childhood education and taxing the wealthy, progressives are winning the battle of ideas in the Democratic Party.

Testing times

A journal of the onset of the plague year...

China retaliates against Trump administration’s new tariffs; puts levies on $60 billion worth of...

Donald Trump vowed to add tariffs to $267 billion more Chinese goods if China retaliated.