Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Crocodile tears on corporate taxes

“Outrageous,” screeched the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “It doesn’t feel fair,” whimpered a top corporate executive. The wailing by those...

Six potential lessons from our most debased presidency

To restore America, we need both vilify Trump for what he is – and defy his gang – but also reluctantly face how epic excesses clarity our moral, intellectual and political choices.

Identified Paris Attackers Were Not Refugees

Contrary to previous reports, all identified terrorists involved in the Paris attacks last week were European nationals. Does this affect the outlook on Syrian refugees resettling in foreign countries?

As we heal and move forward, watch out for aftershocks

The Trump presidency may finally be over, but the damage it did will persist and echo—even as President Biden takes rapid action to repair some of his predecessor’s environmental damage.

Growing my way out of dystopia

Can we stop feeling quite so helpless and hopeless in a world on the skids?

Walling them out, or walling us in?

Shall we wall off Canada, too?

Not a blue wave, but perhaps a foreshock of the big blue one coming

We’ve got an interesting next two years ahead of us.

London mayor urges Britain to disinvite Trump

It is hard to see how Trump’s drunk uncle night time Twitter rants are not hurting the United States and its soft power in diplomacy.

‘Red alert’ sounded: Trumpcare is back, more brutal and deadly than ever

Sen. Bernie Sanders called the new Obamacare repeal plan “yet another disastrous Republican proposal to throw millions of people off health insurance.”

Corporate media are the real ‘Sanders attack machine’

The real Sanders attack machine isn’t the mythical machine run by Sanders to take down his opponents; it’s run by the establishment Democrats and their media counterparts to take down Sanders.