Friday, May 3, 2024

Amped-up Age of Anxiety weaponized into Age of Nostalgia

Today, alas, confirms the truth of Pete Hamill’s quip, “The most powerful force in American politics is not anger, it's nostalgia.”

Banks Don’t Commit Crimes, Bankers Do

Until the feds charge reckless bankers individually, they'll shake down shareholders to bail them out for misdeeds.

Challenges for Joe Biden And Kamala Harris

“To overcome these challenges -- to restore the soul and to secure the future of America -- requires more than words. It requires that most elusive of things in a democracy: Unity.”

New party quiz game: What more can the right do to shoot itself in...

A grim evolutionary comeuppance is well underway, presaging harder times for the unAmerican, unConstitutional, anti-democrats.

Baltimore residents: Trump’s attacks on the city are rooted in “racism and white supremacy”

President Trump is facing widespread outrage after describing Baltimore as a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess.”

Why we must get big money out of politics

We must end this vicious cycle in order to reclaim our democracy.

CDC eviction ban ended by Supreme Court: Four questions about its impact answered by...

The ruling, by a divided court, said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention exceeded its authority in continuing a moratorium on evictions after Congress failed to pass new legislation.


The significance of Ukraine’s struggle certainly doesn’t lie in educating Americans, but perhaps it is finally making us reckon with the costs of war, as we’ve needed to do for so long.

The Supreme Court has curtailed EPA’s power to regulate carbon pollution – and sent...

The U.S. has entered a new era of administrative law, with an activist court asserting its power to curtail what it perceives as the excesses of regulatory agencies – and not always waiting for those agencies to complete their work.

Trump and the art of the no deal

Touting his “extraordinary” ability to negotiate, but so far, Trump has shown he can’t make a deal.