Friday, May 3, 2024

Can we talk sensibly about inequality and ignore the rich?

The poor don’t gain, in short, when societies ignore the rich.

Wall Street wins—again

A relief package for whom?

10 things you need to know about Trump’s tax returns

Will this bombshell affect the election?

Inside Donald Trump’s army of super PACs and MAGA nonprofits

Trump’s army of organized support has expanded since then, with a dozen or so major nonprofits and super PACs pushing his policy platform and priming the public for Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign.

Gov. Northam: Don’t resign until Trump does

If Gov. Northam’s exit becomes one more potent lever against continued Trumpery, he achieves both partial atonement and participation in removing a national disgrace.

Does Trump Want Out? Orchestrating His Own Demise?

A bold thesis that best makes sense of an astonishingly calamitous Trump week. The unforced Trump implosion invites provocative interpretations, even projection of a readily predictable demise. Trump never thought he'd get this far and is now showing why he should go no further. How does he reverse this week's torrent of political self-destruction, worsening his General Election leverage? Can we not imagine Trump’s PR skills going into full damage control mode, even sniffing how to make lemonade out of souring lemons.

Progressive Briefing for Friday, July 6, 2018

Scott Pruitt resigns from the EPA, grassroots groups demand tech companies cut ties with ICE, a 20-foot-tall Trump blimp gets the okay in London, and more.

Why democracies in G7 & NATO should reject US leadership

Ordinary people in other countries are right to be wary of the Pied Piper of American “leadership,” but their rulers should be too.

The Tragedy of being a Girl in India

Due to the fact that girls are seen as an economic burden and boys a source of income, girl babies have been aborted and murdered in their millions in India. Adolescent and adult females are treated no better. These corrupt social practices need to end.

Nearly 500 More U.S. Troops Sent to Iraq for Mosul Attack in Advance of...

“It seems a little unlikely that PM al-Abadi cares about U.S. electoral problems. He has his own reasons for wanting to roll up al-Qaeda in Iraq quickly. But his timetable could play into Hillary Clinton’s hands.”