Monday, June 17, 2024

Science Committee hearing: ‘Accelerating Deep Space Travel with Space Nuclear Propulsion’

New systems using solar power are being developed—past the current use of thin film such as Mylar for solar sails.

‘Hocus-Pocus process:’ Pelosi drug pricing bill criticized for going too easy on Big Pharma

"There is also nothing as yet to prevent HHS from simply negotiating bad deals that do not meaningfully lower drug prices."

NRA Paying Senators to Vote Against Gun Reform

Senate members were recently paid by firearms lobbyists to vote against yesterday's gun legislation.

How Joe Manchin betrayed America’s working families

Ed Barnette long ago realized that affordable child care and paid sick leave, among other resources, would be essential to helping West...

Trump core exposed: Lies & insults ‘tell it like it is’

Everything false, nasty and slanderous that Trump projects on others – whether more honest, smarter, principled or well-read – redounds on his own abysmal character.

Against discouragement

“My first hope is that you will not be too discouraged by the way the world looks at this moment.”

Leaked draft opinion shows Supreme Court set to strike down Roe v. Wade

"While abortion is still legal, tonight's report makes clear that our deepest fears are coming true. We have reached a crisis moment for abortion access. We don't have a moment to spare—we must act now."

The Supreme Court has curtailed EPA’s power to regulate carbon pollution – and sent...

The U.S. has entered a new era of administrative law, with an activist court asserting its power to curtail what it perceives as the excesses of regulatory agencies – and not always waiting for those agencies to complete their work.

“Biological annihilation”: The danger of opening Alaska’s ANWR to oil & gas drilling

The plan calls for the creation of landing strips, drill pads, pipeline supports, a seawater treatment plant, 175 miles of roads, and other infrastructure in Alaska’s north coast.

‘An absolute joke’: Debate moderators condemned for asking about Ellen and George Bush after...

As America's pundits and newspapers rushed to pronounce the winners and losers of Tuesday night's 2020 Democratic presidential debate, progressives argued the event's moderators deserve to...