Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Sanders: The Struggle Continues

Endorsements and convention bounces don’t guarantee victories. Sanders can’t deliver his supporters or guarantee their enthusiasm

The bipartisan long con: Russian clickbait, Water Protectors and the movement for black lives

In a case like this one, we have to ask an age old question. Who benefits from these poorly sourced stories that damage nascent social movements?

No taxes, only charity

Why not let Americans choose where their taxes go? They will give more willingly to society.

Interrupting Trump’s Strut Is Only a Start

Can we now get serious, journalists, about what’s at stake in American politics?

Four Reasons Young Americans Should Burn Their Student Loan Papers

Protest against student loans is a good way to earn the first dividend in the proposed America Permanent Fund. Here are four reasons students should take up the fight against financial firms holding high-interest student loans.

Republicans don’t own patriotism

True patriots don’t put loyalty to their political party above their love of America.

‘Enormous policy failure’: states throw hundreds of thousands—including many children—off Medicaid

"We knew this was coming," wrote one policy expert. "But we still treat these burdens like they're unavoidable natural disasters."

Weaponized truth: The Indispensable Movement’s key to success

Sharpening truth with moral outrage and clever, insightful ridicule is precisely how we weaponize it.

Progressive Briefing for Monday, June 25, 2018

Poor People's Campaign marches on Washington, Saudi Arabia lifts the ban on women driving, Sarah Huckabee Sanders is kicked out of a restaurant, and more.