Friday, May 3, 2024

Tell Congress to pass Automatic Voter Registration

Sign the petition now to tell Congress that you support Automatic Voter Registration.

Overturn Citizens United

Sign the petition to tell Congress to create a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United.

Cheney, Rothschild, and Fox News’ Murdoch to drill for oil in Syria, violating international...

While Syria is torn apart by the warring of U.S. imperialists and Islamic fundamentalists – leaving its children to die of starvation – another country plans to take advantage of the chaos by stealing resources from Syria’s southern region.

Tell Congress to pass the Secure 2100 Act

Tell Congress to protect and expand Social Security benefits.

Should billionaires exist?

If capitalism were working properly, billionaires would have gone the way of the dodo.

No war in Yemen: Tell Congress to end U.S.-backed Saudi-led war

Tell the Senate to end the war in Yemen once and for all. As a country, let's stand for peace.

Tell House Democrats to address climate crisis: Support the Green New Deal

Tell Democratic lawmakers to stand up for a sustainable future and convince Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to authorize the select committee.

What should progressives do to get a progressive government?

In other words, the candidates who are strongly progressive need to band together so they can win.

Bernie Sanders Releases Campaign Ads Disparaging Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel

Sen. Bernie Sanders is now openly criticising current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel for failing Chicago’s public schools and suppressing video evidence of a teenager’s death at the hands of police.

Amped-up Age of Anxiety weaponized into Age of Nostalgia

Today, alas, confirms the truth of Pete Hamill’s quip, “The most powerful force in American politics is not anger, it's nostalgia.”