Sunday, May 5, 2024

What happens when all we have left is the Pentagon?

Trump’s vision of a militarized America.

The Left needs to be a movement, not a bunch of lobbyists

We need to focus on big demands and big issues that benefit all but the ruling elites and that will fundamentally change the way the country operates.

Democrats boycott committee vote on Trump’s EPA pick

“Pruitt is wholly unfit and unqualified to lead the EPA.”

Connecting dots: A sluggish economy and millions of jobs lost to China

Trade deficits are hurting us. It’s time to balance trade.

Donald Trump’s mission creep just took a giant leap forward

In just a few days, the new president has upended the rules of democracy with a clumsy, heavy-handedness worse than we imagined.

Senate confirms more members of Trump’s ‘legion of doom’

Sanders: “The nomination of Mr. Tillerson is one of the worst choices President Trump has made for his cabinet (and he’s made a lot of bad choices).”

Is Trump’s America our America?

Here we are in Trumplandia, with a delusional leader of a plutocratic party trying to redefine reality with “alternative facts,” fake news, and a blitzkrieg of Orwellian “Newspeak.”

Labeling Trump voters as racists or bigots will only alienate potential allies

Call Trump on his lies and make people question whether what he says or does aligns with American values… or their own.

Don’t focus on Gorsuch, focus on Trump

Trump is the issue here, as well as the integrity of our democracy.

America’s construction carnage

As unions decline, construction workers are dying at alarming rates.