Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The myth of meritocracy

Meritocracy remains a deeply held ideal in America. But the nation is drifting ever-farther away from it.

Polanski’s Devil’s Disciples

Just finished viewing, for the umpteenth time, one of my favorite films, Chinatown (1973), directed by Roman Polanski and starring Jack Nicholson. At...

Is This The Return Of U.S. ‘Gunboat Diplomacy’ Serving Corporations?

Has the “Swiss” firm Novartis becomes the 21st-century version of United Fruit and ITT?

Pardoning war criminals is a monstrous way to honor Memorial Day

Glorifying serial killer-type behavior most service members would find appalling is a strange way to honor them.

It’s time Democrats change their stories about the deficit

Democrats should be talking about the type of society that we will be giving to our kids, not shaving a few dollars off the interest payments on the debt.

Protests at the pump

The first major protest of the post-Communist era in Eastern Europe was not about corruption. It wasn’t about disappointments with democracy.

2008 All Over Again

“Britain’s withdrawal from the eurozone will damage not only the international banking system, but hamper Washington’s aggressive policies toward Russia and the Ukraine.”

Can the Democratic Platform Change the Future of American Banking?

Can a few words in the Democratic Party platform really change the future of American banking? Not without a movement that’s determined to make that change happen.

Trustworthy Hillary

While Hillary Clinton’s impulse is understandable, it is also self-defeating, as now evidenced by the growing portion of the public that doesn’t trust her.

Mailed ballots boosted 2020’s turnout—will it work in 2022?

New research on the 2020 election confirms that mailed-out ballots boost turnout—especially when there are no bureaucratic hurdles for voters.