Monday, June 17, 2024

Trump picks Ben Carson for dept of education

should Trump really take the steps to add ben Carson to his cabinet?

Four years of Donald Trump could sink the planet

If Trump isn’t going to pare CO2 emissions significantly, then the US alone could cook the planet, even if China and others act more responsibly.

The death of the international community?

The international community is a fragile thing. Will Donald Trump deliver its death blow?

12 notes from a political autopsy

The left and the party faithful may be angry at each other, but they’re on the same side now, locked together in a nonviolent political movement to resist Trumpism and remake American politics.

Major outlets downplay the fact that Trump’s new chief strategist ran an anti-Semitic white...

By ignoring or downplaying Bannon’s extremist history, major newspapers are not giving their readers the essential background information they deserve on a man who is soon to be one of the most influential people in politics.

Capitalism itself is to blame for Donald Trump

America lashed out at our economic system, but our new president-elect won’t be able to help. Instead, argues Professor Richard Wolff, we must change the way we approach work.

Trump lift-off: Where’s the rip cord?

Looking for laughs in all the wrong places.

Young progressives demand Chuck Schumer step aside for new Democratic leadership

Millennials were arrested protesting the senate minority leader’s Wall Street ties.

Anti-Trump protests enter day six

Over the weekend, protests around the world voiced opposition to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign promises.