Sunday, June 16, 2024

Why There May Be Trouble This November at Your Polling Place

Authors Ari Berman and Michael Waldman talk about the unequal history of voting in America, new voting rules and their concerns about what may happen later this year.

Does Trump Want Out? Orchestrating His Own Demise?

A bold thesis that best makes sense of an astonishingly calamitous Trump week. The unforced Trump implosion invites provocative interpretations, even projection of a readily predictable demise. Trump never thought he'd get this far and is now showing why he should go no further. How does he reverse this week's torrent of political self-destruction, worsening his General Election leverage? Can we not imagine Trump’s PR skills going into full damage control mode, even sniffing how to make lemonade out of souring lemons.

Bernie Sanders Fires Back Against Hillary Clinton’s False Accusations

Sanders’ campaign is responding to Clinton's accusations that they lied about her receiving money from the fossil fuel industry.

American Exceptionalism Presents an Election Made in Hell

“American foreign policy is the greatest threat to world peace, prosperity, and the environment. And when it comes to foreign policy, Hillary Clinton is an unholy disaster.”

Sanders Is Close to Overtaking Clinton Among Nonwhite Voters

New poll results show the Vermont senator gaining on the former first lady and, in some states, even overtaking her. And it’s happening fast.

Where Does the GOP’s Right-Wing Grouchiness Come From?

The National Republican Party has published an official policy document showing that the GOP really might be more than a gaggle of serve-the-rich plutocrats and wacky, Trumped-up right-wingers.

Jobs Report Highlights Trade, Manufacturing Problems

In an otherwise OK jobs report, America’s manufacturing sector lost 29,000 jobs in March. This comes after a loss of jobs in February as well.

Hillary Clinton: “I am So Sick of the Sanders Campaign Lying About Me”

Did Hillary overreact to a pretty straightforward question regarding her dedication to climate change?

A Bird, A Plane? No, It’s Superdelegates!

The Democratic Party's special class of entitled and unelected VIP delegates helps explain what's wrong with the way we choose our presidential candidates.