Friday, May 3, 2024

Old roads and new paradigms: on the last BRI Summit

On April 26 and 27, the summit of the Belt and Route Initiative, also known as the New Silk Road, was held...

Women in Congress push back against misogyny

“We have every right to do our jobs and represent our communities without fearing for our safety.”

Trump administration releases new rules on school nutrition standards, rolls back Obama administrations efforts

Last week marked the first of many rollbacks the Trump administration and the USDA are planning on the way the USDA administers school lunch programs.

You are stealing our future: Greta Thunberg, 15, condemns the world’s inaction on climate...

"We have come here to let you know that change is coming, whether you like it or not. The real power belongs to the people. Thank you."

Oilfield Prayer Day in Oklahoma

Perhaps it would be more prudent for Gov. Mary Fallin and the Republican-dominated legislature to stop praying to the oil industry and start passing laws to make their state’s oil billionaires pay their fair share of taxes.

Legalizing tyranny

We have built a terrifying legal and policing apparatus that has placed the poor of our nation in bondage – an American tyranny.

The legacy of America’s first Wrestlemania president

Professional sports and professional wrestling tap into a primal level of tribalism that Trump has funneled into a form of nationalism.

Hillary, Bernie, and the Banks

Wall Street bankers are still an enormous threat to millions of Americans and the only way to resolve this is “with reforms so big, bold, and public they can’t be watered down.”