Friday, May 17, 2024

All left hands on deck. Step 1: Defeat Trump. Step 2: Challenge Biden.

We need approaches that respond to imminent emergencies — first, bailing out the boat before it sinks, and then charting a course toward where we want to go.

The Trump administration’s dangerous plans for “America’s backyard”

The last thing these countries need is a further escalation of violence and new approaches for dealing with what is in large part a youth problem need to be put forward.

Trump’s America: Open to global capital, not people

America didn’t become great by global capital seeking higher returns, but by people from all over world seeking better lives.

Hillary Clinton Agrees with the Citizens United Decision

“As Greenwald said, Hillary’s the very model of the type of politician that the five Republicans on the U.S. Supreme Court were trying to empower. The suckers whose votes she gets are fooled merely by her labeling herself a ‘Democrat’ and slinging the type of bumper-sticker phrases that draw Democratic suckers instead of Republican ones.”

Pulling the lever for doomsday

Or How Donald Trump Changed Everything (2016-2020)

Hypocrite of the age prize to McConnell: ‘Biden’s commission will ‘politicize’ the Supreme Court’

McConnell didn’t just politicize the selection of justices—he corrupted the entire selection process for our highest court.

The Cherokee are the only tribe entitled to a delegate in Congress. But will...

To deal with a Trump administration, the tribal nation might now want to use that 200-year-old treaty right.

Progressive Briefing for Tuesday, August 21

Microplastics in beer, CNN "fact check" on Medicare for All is bogus, ZInke caught red handed trying to sell off public lands, and more.

Overseas travel cements Trump’s ugly ‘Ugly Americanism’

The good, if grim news about Trump and Gianforte is how readily exposed are their moral, legal and leadership defects – already instant late-night laughing stocks for having acted scandalously without penalty (so far).

The chicken and the egg

President Donnie Trump has named some doozies to his cabinet and one that stands out as threats to humane and healthy food is Scott Pruitt.