Saturday, May 18, 2024

White House for sale: Emoluments, corruption and Donald Trump

Never in U.S. history has the prospect of a president's real and potential business dealings created such a marked array of conflicts.

The GOP will free you from having health care

You're free to be poor, free to be politically powerless or free to be ill and uncared for.

The Koch brothers & Trump: The men who sold the world

With the help of the Koch Brothers, Trump and the Republican Party have “moved in the opposite direction from virtually the rest of the world.”

America last

Will Trump set a record for the history books?

The age of anger

As we sleepwalk into the future, the steady deterioration of the ecosystem will ultimately lead to total systems collapse.

Now five men own almost as much wealth as half the world’s population

American billionaires all made their money because of the research and innovation and infrastructure that make up the foundation of our modern technologies.

Corbyn teaches to embrace change we need

Corbyn teaches that we should embrace the radical transformational change that is needed to inspire people to take action and shift the realm of the possible.

Additional questions for James Comey

The FBI has a long history of secrecy and oppression, which those fighting for justice and democracy should never forget.

Michael Moore: Why I’m launching a site for Trump whistleblowers

I know this is risky. I knew we may get in trouble. But too much is at stake to play it safe.

The world according to Trump

Is this the personality of a sociopath?