Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Is U.S. climate policy killing capitalism?

It’s the Koch Brothers and the rest of Big Oil, and Big Gas, and Big Coal.

Our responsibility after Trump’s climate withdrawal

Trump follows previous U.S. presidents who have undermined climate action: The only path to climate justice is people power.

The Labour Party has regained its principles and offers hope to millions

In this upcoming UK election the differences between the Conservatives and Labour are defined and stark; its importance cannot be overstated.

7 reasons why Trump’s corporate tax cut is completely nuts

Don’t fall for Trump’s corporate tax plan.

Where does inequality come from?

By taking from the needy and giving to the rich, this one deliberate act by Congress would further widen economic disparity in our country by nearly $1.8 trillion.

Chris Hedges and Wallace Shawn on politics, playwriting and power

The two discuss experiences working in other countries and how those experiences led them, as Hedges puts it, to “grapple with the reality of empire.”

A tax on Wall Street trading is the best solution to income inequality

This is a great example of a clearly defined policy that will directly reverse some of the upward redistribution of income over the last four decades.

Kabul bomb blast kills at least 90 people. We need to know their names

We may never know who is to blame, nor, sadly, are we likely to learn the names and the life stories of the victims.

Trump holds a trump card: The power to pardon

U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 2 on pardon power of the president: ‘The President shall...have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.’

Making NAFTA worse

Trump promised to negotiate the widely loathed trade deal, which would be great – except he's giving corporations even more power to offshore jobs.